
Shared Solar Is The Next Big Thing In Energy Industry | CleanTechnica

Shared Solar Is The Next Big Thing In Energy Industry | CleanTechnica:

"But the South Australia blackout proved a lie to that. And rather than being the fault of wind energy, as many pretended, the experience has underlined the fragility of Australia's reliance on large centralised generators and huge networks that transport the energy hundred [or] even thousands of kilometres.
Just about everyone agrees that the way to provide a more secure, and low cost grid, is to focus on localised energy, featuring local power and sharing – a concept that Orsini describes as "transactive energy."
The blockchain technology is important because it can offer a "cryptographically secure", distributed ledger that can track where electricity was generated, where it can travel to and who used it."
“Any energy system that is running high on renewables, in combination with non renewables and storage, needs to move to market model that recognizes the value of a “negawatt” (the power you don’t use) as well as the value of megawatt. The grid architecture will change very quickly.”
“If you are buying your electricity from far away – and if you not paying for that cost, then it is socialised. You never see the real cost. As soon as you start paying for the real cost then the grid re-organises itself.
You will want to pay for stuff that is closer. We used to have no choice but to have a centralised, monopoly grid, but we didn’t need to do that any more.”