Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week – Ocean's Wrath
Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week – Ocean's Wrath:
An extreme heat event for this particular region…with high temperatures of greater than 40 degrees F (greater than 20 C) above recent normals…will impact the coast of the Arctic Ocean (specifically the Laptev Sea and Eastern Siberian Sea) Wednesday-Friday. This will generate maximum daily temperatures as high as 90-95 degrees (32-35 C) near the open ocean coast! Yes, you read that correctly.Meanwhile we continue extracting and leaking methane into the atmosphere. We continue generating and releasing CO2 at a high rate. Here in the United States, when we could be choosing representatives who have even slight interest in this problem, we are busy voting for the end of democracy. I marvel at our stupidity.