Advice for anti-Trump protesters - The Washington Post
Anne Applebaum spends part of her time in Poland, where she has observed what has and hasn't worked for protesters against a new authoritarian government. It's well worth reading: Advice from Europe for anti-Trump protesters - The Washington Post:
"...targeted, well-organized, broadly based single-issue protest had far more impact than the general marches, and the government withdrew the law."
"Five Democratic senators could do more to block extremist judges or damaging policies than 5 million — or even 50 million — people chanting slogans."I take this to mean that our members of Congress need more feedback from us. We need to contact them, with either criticism or praise, depending on how they act on issues that concern us. Their job really is to represent us. They can't do that if we don't tell them what we want. Mea Culpa We're all products of our times. In my world it has been disreputable, uncivil even, to engage in politics. Vote every couple of years, but don't do more than that. Don't feed the bureaucratic beast. Don't help pave the road to hell: you may think you know how to make the world better, but you're probably wrong. Cynical disengagement is far wiser. I believe this worldview has enough adherents to have nearly cost us our civil liberties. It is well past time for a different approach.