Trump's big infrastructure plan? It's a trap. - The Washington Post
Trump's big infrastructure plan? It's a trap. - The Washington Post:
Trump's plan is not really an infrastructure plan. [... It] doesn’t directly fund new roads, bridges, water systems or airports, as did Hillary Clinton’s 2016 infrastructure proposal [...] Trump’s plan provides tax breaks to private-sector investors [...]
[...] projects that are not attractive to private investors [...] get no help from Trump’s plan. [With the business tax break, it's] a stunning $85 billion after-tax profit for contractors — underwritten by the taxpayers.
[It] isn’t really a jobs plan, either. [...] it funds tax breaks, not bridges [...] simply no guarantee that the plan will produce any net new hiring.
Third, because there is no proposed funding mechanism for Trump’s tax breaks, they will add to the deficit — perhaps as much as $137 billion.
But when the plan is passed and those voters see that it fattens investors’ and contractors’ pockets (but not workers’)[... they will] turn against its backers.