
ack -- better than grep, a power search tool for programmers

I've been using "Ack in Project" in TextMate for awhile. It works so well, I'd like to start using it from the command line.

Luckily it's easy. Paraphrasing from the author's website:

ack -- better than grep, a power search tool for programmers:

curl http://ack.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ack-standalone > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 ~/bin/ack


Andy Lester said...

I laughed out loud when I read your note. I'm amused by the unexpected idea that you were attracted to the command-line version of ack from Ack In Project, rather than the other way around.

Either way you use ack, I'm glad you like it.

Mitch said...

I like it both ways :)

AFAIK ack's command line options aren't accessible from Ack In Project, and they're sometimes useful.