
Stucco color matching for fun, if not profit

This summer I've bought two buckets of stucco patch for the house. I can't seem to hold a color chart up against the wall and have any chance of picking the right color.

Today I finally realized the digicam could do most of the work.

  1. Tape the color chart to the wall.
  2. Take a picture.
  3. Import it into iPhoto.
  4. Create a new OmniGraffle document.
  5. Create a big rectangle.
  6. Set its fill color by sampling the wall color from the imported photo.
  7. Create a bunch of little rectangles.
  8. Lay them out over the "wall" rectangle.
  9. Set their fill colors by sampling the swatches in the photo.

Stucco Color Matching 145 Solana.jpg

You don't even have to do any white balance correction. Everything in the photo should have its color skewed in roughly the same way.

Seempuhl. Wish I'd thought of this about ten dollars ago...

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