
We just watched a U.S. president acting on behalf of a hostile power - The Washington Post

Max Boot lays it out.

We just watched a U.S. president acting on behalf of a hostile power - The Washington Post: "We are past the point when such statements can be dismissed as naivete — especially when Trump has previously admitted that Russia did hack the election. We are past the point where Trump’s conduct can be ascribed to his belief that it is imperative to improve U.S.-Russia relations. If Trump doesn’t care about the state of U.S.-German relations, U.S.-Canadian relations or U.S.-U.K. relations — all of which he has damaged in the past month — why would he care about U.S. relations with a country that has one-fourteenth of America’s GDP and one-tenth of its defense budget? We are past the point where Trump’s conduct can be ascribed to his general sympathy for dictators. If he is waging a trade war on China’s dictator, why is he cozying up to Russia’s dictator? We are past the point when Trump’s conduct — which leaves future elections wide open to Russian manipulation — can be ascribed to his unwillingness to do anything that will tarnish his glorious victory. It is true but insufficient to point out that that Trump’s unwillingness to acknowledge the Russian attack on America is putting his own interests above the country’s. Even if Trump were thinking only in terms of his own political survival — his usual mode — he would be tougher on Putin, because he must realize that kowtowing to the Russian only strengthens suspicions of collusion. But Trump just cannot bring himself to do it. Is that because he hopes for more aid from Putin in the future — or because he is afraid of what Putin can reveal about him? Either way, he gives every impression of betraying his oath of office. U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3: ‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.’ Trump’s own national security adviser said the Russian election attack constituted an ‘act of war.’ So what does that make his boss? Some — including former CIA director John Brennan — now dare call it treason. That conclusion was once unthinkable. No longer."


Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week – Ocean's Wrath

Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week – Ocean's Wrath:

An extreme heat event for this particular region…with high temperatures of greater than 40 degrees F (greater than 20 C) above recent normals…will impact the coast of the Arctic Ocean (specifically the Laptev Sea and Eastern Siberian Sea) Wednesday-Friday. This will generate maximum daily temperatures as high as 90-95 degrees (32-35 C) near the open ocean coast! Yes,  you read that correctly.
Meanwhile we continue extracting and leaking methane into the atmosphere. We continue generating and releasing CO2 at a high rate. Here in the United States, when we could be choosing representatives who have even slight interest in this problem, we are busy voting for the end of democracy. I marvel at our stupidity.