Sun eyes a JavaScript alternative to AJAX
Sun eyes a JavaScript alternative to AJAX:
"(InfoWorld) - Sun Microsystems is working on Web application development technology that presents an alternative to AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), a Sun official said on Thursday.
The company's Project Flair is an open-source project now in development... A version of Flair for developers to experiment with is eyed for release later this year.
Small and simple, Flair presents a 'great vehicle for experimenting with [what] I guess what you would call, sort of, collaborative object development, that kind of thing,' said Ingalls.
'AJAX sort of deals with all of the old way of doing things. It makes it simpler ... but underneath it’s still all this junky HTML, Document Object Model, CSS, all that stuff, where 30 years ago, we knew how to do that stuff cleanly with a dynamic programming language and a simple graphics model,' Ingalls said.
'Flair takes us back to that simple model and adds the collaboration [and] Web access to it,' he said.
Anybody have links to more details on Project Flair?